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Confuse in PPC vs SEO? Pay per Click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are the primary difference because traffic originating from SEO is organic and free. Still, traffic originating from PPC is not free as the name suggests, you have to pay a cost per click.

You may notice the words organic search engine listings and paid search engine listings.

Both SEO and PPC are component of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), one of the tools you can use as part of your Internet Marketing campaign.

I will try to describe the other significant differences between the two utilizing the following parameters: traffic potential, position in search results, cost, conversion, and ease of use.


There are two key differences when thinking SEO or PPC. The first is that paid ads arrive at the top of the page, preceding the organic listings impacted by SEO.

The second difference is that traffic from organic via SEO is free, whereas traffic from PPC has a cost for every click. In several cases, SEO and PPC work great when combined and strategically aligned.


It’s just not likely to answer this question without thinking of a given business’s different situation.

A hyper-local business with limited competition and demand for just some leads per week could create good visibility in the local and organic search results with a minimum of spend or some DIY SEO.

A new e-commerce shop playing with a page of results from Amazon, eBay, and other main department stores and online retailers is possibly going to fight in organic search (in the short term, at least).

Do you require leads now? Are you looking at the long term game? Do you have enough in the process of website authority? What is the cost per click in paid search? What is the competition like in organic search?

Pure digital marketing tactics and clear short- and long-term goals are necessary for making an SEO or PPC decision here.


In a perfect world, we would see at both SEO and PPC. They both have pros and cons and achieve best when helping each other synergistically. Where you can get SEO and PPC running together, you will usually drive results that are higher than their parts.
The advantage of using SEO and PPC together involves:

  • Conversion data and keyword from PPC can be filled into organic search (SEO).
  • The total volume of traffic can be improved by targeting clicks in paid and organic for high-performing keywords.
  • High-cost keywords, high-volume, or low-converting keywords can be transferred from PPC to SEO.
  • Landing pages and A/B testing of ad copy can be filled into your organic listing and landing pages.
  • Remarketing enables you to stay in visitors’ presence after a primary touch via organic search and customize messaging about their engagement with your website.
  • Test your keyword strategy in PPC before doing to long-term SEO strategies.
  • Target users at all steps of the customer journey from research to identification to purchase with commercial keywords.
  • Increase trust and knowledge by holding both powerful organic and paid visibility.

An integrated search strategy that seems at SEO and PPC is the best approach. Results are improved in every channel by using both paid and organic. This will not be appropriate for all businesses, but you will need to develop an organic search engine approach rather than seeing at SEO or PPC in isolation for high-growth, aggressive marketing.

SEO: Improve your organic traffic

Awareness. Visibility in search engines for your focus keywords displays your business in front of possible customers in a similar way as you are advertising, and it makes brand awareness.

Branding. Visibility around popular search terms and informational queries associated with your business area can become a positive branding advantage. Your brand can display related to and trusted by searchers who are asking questions as they lead the research that will lead to a buyer. You can fit an authoritative voice around a given topic.

Website traffic. Increasing website traffic gives you more possibilities to drive awareness of your business and provide a sight as to why they should buy from you.

PPC: Laser-targeted visibility

How does PPC vary from SEO? With click-through rates and trust massively accumulated in support of organic search, why would a business look at paid search? Here are some of the advantages of PPC:

Position on the page. The paid search controls above-the-fold content. With normally show four ads on desktop and three on mobile, a user will always view the paid search ads, also if they Selected to scroll past them.

Improved ads. PPC ads are just that: advertisements. As such, you have far extra granular control and more extra space for presenting your marketing messages. Site links, pricing, Calls, locations, and bullet points (callouts) are just some of the alternatives for creating ads that control the page.

Visual product ads. Where you market a product, Google gives the option of visual shopping ads (Product Listing Ads, or PLAs) that can assist a user view what they will be clicking on. This type of ad can surely improve the click-through rate by offering a feature not accessible in organic search.

Brand visibility. Running paid search advertisements makes you viewed by the appropriate people. Even if they back off and manage a brand search before clicking to your website, that visibility will pay bonuses to your marketing.

Also Read Google web stories.

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