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Some Content Marketing Rules Need to be Broken

Content Marketing Rules

Should you allow Content Marketing Rules control your content marketing?

Breaking rules needs thinking and exploration. Here is their carefully considered guidance on which content marketing “rules” need to be broken.

Every website needs a blog.

It’s myopic to fixate on blogging. There are such different ways to connect with a target audience. You still should own the content you produce. Blogs have been the usual go-to in significant part because we can host them and control the end-to-end content experience. But websites can do a lot of things thing out of the box. If creating content that links is the goal, blogs aren’t always the best way to achieve that.

Follow the formula

We often begin with a formula when it comes to making sales pages, web copy, and even emails, but formulas can never be a replacement for understanding your audience.

An over-reliance on formula keeps you away from asking difficult and important questions, and it lets you move forward with overconfident beliefs.
It can make you risk-averse, but risks are still worth taking. Be ready to step beyond the formula to find something new.

Do what has worked

The rule of doing what’s have worked before. If another brand gets excellent success with a particular tactic, you’re not possible to achieve the same success. The prospect may have vanished. The perfect way to break the rules is by making your own. It’ll guarantee that your struggles stand out.

View content as text, images, video, audio

We should be thought about “content” as cultural currency because this is how people engage with it – as a way to connect to their target audience.

People have short attention spans.

Don’t think user have short engagement spans. If you provide valuable content, they will give you all the attention in the world.

People don't like long content.

Deny the concept that people don’t like or won’t read long content. The truth is people and will read a hundred-of-page book in a subject of hours. If content hooks and benefits them, audiences will read it. If that story you find contracts becoming an hour-long podcast or a three-part series, make it like that.

Go for quicker successes.

Tap the brakes on short campaigns. Instead, pull over into the slow road, and create an engaged audience one subscription at the moment. Bring your audience for an extended, mutually helpful road trip, not a short drag race.

Be consistent

Consistency is overrated. We are not saying you shouldn’t stick to a content schedule or go a month without publishing a new blog article. I am telling you should be ready to vary things and change them up fast.

If you find out a new format for the podcast, you’d want to try out? Do it and question your audience for feedback. Have a post that you should not wait to share this until a slot is available on your editorial calendar? Just do it right away. If you know your audience, you’ll know when the right time to take a risk is, and, they’ll admire the surprise.

Get everybody's approval.

The rule of having approvals necessary before publishing anything should be broken. Indeed, there is a place for approvals, editing, and collaboration, but don’t put people into approval hell.
Don’t be promotional.
The “rule” that content can’t be promotional or product-centred need to be broken. It can’t be every content you post, but content marketing purists are too complacent about the bottom-of-funnel stuff. It can be amazing, also.

Publish frequently

Don’t force yourself to post new content on a scheduled time if you’re posting crap. It’s better to post high-quality content less often than to publish low-quality content on a regular schedule.

Post on all available social channels

Your brand doesn’t require a presence on every social media platform, including the big four –Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.Β 

If you can’t handle it nicely or it isn’t making a substantial impact on your business, don’t waste time on it. Focus on the strategies that make a difference and ignore the ones that don’t.

Content marketing is not selling.

The rule that should be broken is that content marketing has nothing to do with selling. Because content marketing is concentrated on creating belief and trust, many people believe that it has nothing to do with selling products. Every company is in business to make money. They must sell their goods or services to do that.

Content marketing is one way to help sell products, whether your content marketing campaigns even mention a product. Building loyalty and trust makes people want to purchase your goods or services. Every content marketing campaign needs to be aligned with what product marketing crews are doing.

Stick to marketing

Content is the key to your customer experience; content can’t be stuck in marketing only. Instead, content leaders need to reach across the gallery to product teams, customer service teams, even IT, to make a holistic vision of how content donates to the broader customer experience.

Making isolated content-driven experiences, no matter how great they are, means creating a disconnected experience with your brand, which isn’t suitable for your brand or your customer. Content marketing needs to evolve into something driven at the community level.

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