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Agiled App : New Generation CRM

Agiled App CRM

Agiled app is a one-stop solution for business and work management platforms created to assist businesses and teams to manage employees, clients, finance, and projects.

“CRM, Invoicing, Contracts, Finances, and Employee management in one place.

Table of contents

Why Is Agiled The Best SuiteDash Alternative?

Career in Digital Marketing

You can manage your Clients and Marketing with SuiteDash, but with HRM, Native Integrations, Integromat, and Support Toolkit, you can do much more in Agiled.

Manage Your Team / Employees

Manage Attendance, Leaves, and Payroll of your Employees /Team in one place.
Agiled comes with an Employee Portal employees can update Tasks, collaborate on Projects, Log Expenses, Track Time, and mark their attendance.

Integrate Agiled with Your Favorite Apps

You can integrate agiled app with your favorite apps, such as Hubspot, Integromat, Zapier, Dropbox, Stripe, Google Drive, and many other apps.

Agiled Product


Manage Leads and Clients in one area and onboard your clients with White Label available Client Portal.
Lead Management – Keep track of your leads and their progress in your sales pipeline. Set follow up warnings to close more sales.

Client Portal– Agiled gives your clients their portal to view all the tasks, projects, invoices, contracts, and information they have shared with you and your team. They can also generate support tickets.

Manage Your Clients – Agiled keeps track of all of your clients and their information. You can easily view invoices you have given them, projects they have with you, and contracts you have signed with them.

Ticketing System– Your clients can quickly generate support tickets from their portal. You and your team can respond to their tickets to give them immediate support.


You can manage your finances in one app with Agiled. Transfer professional invoices, give estimates, receive payments, and track expenses with Agiled.
Send Professional Invoices – Send professional online invoices to your clients to get paid faster than manual invoices. Look professional with Agiled’s Invoice Templates.
Create Professional Estimates – Create and transfer professional estimates to your consumers and achieve more sales. Quickly convert estimates to invoices with one click.
Track Expenses-Track your expenses easily and see where your money is going. Attach receipts with the costs. Create expense reports.
Accept Online Payments – Track and accept online payments with Agiled. Agiled integrates with Stripe, Paypal, and Razorpay to accept online payments. You can also keep track of payments received through other methods.
Credit Notes– Create credit notes easily in Agiled.

Employee Management

Manage your team and employees from one place. Track their attendance, leaves, and holidays from your dashboard.
Track Team Attendance– Track your team attendance over the period. Your team can also check-in using the Employee Portal.
Keep Track Of Holidays– Keep your team up to date about upcoming holidays by adding holidays to the calendar.
Keep Track Of Employee Leaves – Assign your team leaves and approve leaves quickly when the team member requests them.
White Label Employee Portal – Employees and teammates can log in to the employee portal to log time, update tasks, provide support on tickets, mark their attendance, and ask for leaves.


Produce professional contracts online in just a few minutes and transfer them to your clients to close deals faster—Agiled assists you to look professional and achieve more sales more instantly with online contracts.
Contract Types– Assign types to contracts to keep your contacts organized and quickly sort through the deals later.
Sign Contracts Digitally– Get e-signatures from your clients on the contracts you transfer them. This way, you achieve deals faster than the standard method.
Contract Details– Attach a detailed contract from the contract detail section. There is no limit for word on the details. You can further format your contract details as you want.

Project management

The Agiled app manages and tracks everything from start to the deadline—no need to switch between spreadsheets, email, and other tools to manage your projects.

Project Templates-Project templates can help you save time when starting a project similar to your previous projects. You can save tasks, team members, and other essential details.

Gantt Chart– See your project schedule with Gantt Charts, which are created automatically, and you can also edit them. Share the Gantt chart with your clients and teams or anyone else via a public link.
Project Categories– Stay organized with project categories. Quickly filter the project category when working on several projects.

Tasks– Create tasks and assign them to your teammates to divide the work and complete projects on deadline. You can also share task updates with clients.
Create Milestones – Create milestones for your projects to track your project’s progress and create deliverables for your clients.
• Share Files With Team- Share files with your team working on the project. Upload files or share links that are important for the project.
Invoices – See all the invoices for the project in one place. Create invoices from the project dashboard for the project.
Timesheets – See timesheets from your team for a project. This helps you know where your team is using their time and which tasks are taking long.
Project Burn Down Charts– See how your team is doing against time on a project. Verify if everything is working according to plan and estimated time or not.

Agiled app review

Agiled app is pretty useful for businesses. This is the one-stop solution for business and works management platforms.

you do lots of work with a few clicks. Also, you don’t need to remember everything you can set remained.

Because of this, you don’t waste time doing manual work, which reduces time and cost.

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